Allied Arts
Creative Brief: Demonstrate the impact Allied Arts has in our community, keeping the tone fun and creative rather than academic.
Strategy: Share the history of the Allied Arts and remind viewers of their many years of work supporting arts in the community.
Outcome: Video for YouTube, website and social media. Project included video SEO, YouTube page update and graphics.
Cordata Gallery
Creative Brief: Invite viewers to visit the Cordata Gallery map exhibit.
Strategy: Blend featured maps and artwork in a creative style that compliments the spirit of the gallery and the exhibit.
Outcome: Played at the opening and on social media.
WA. Traffic Safety Commission
Creative Brief: Create a series of videos to teach viewers how to correctly use their child car seat.
Strategy: Worked with Snohomish Fire Dept. car seat expert to create step by set training.
Outcome: The success our first video series led to producing two additional rounds of videos totaling over 20 videos helping parents and care givers safely transport children.
Tulalip Tribes
Creative Brief: Share the history and culture of the Tulalip Tribes with visitors to Tulalip.
Strategy: Collaborate with cultural leaders and with the Hibulb Museum to develop the script. Balance information with life stories from host, Tribal Chairwoman Teri Gobin.
Outcome: Shared at Raising Hands event and with visitors to the Hibulb Museum.
Bellingham Cider Company
Creative Brief: Create a fun and welcoming video to show off BCC’s new solar panels.
Strategy: Use drone shots, local music, and text to create a fun vibe. Let the music and images tell the story. Designed for an Earth Day release.
Outcome: Shared successfully on social media.
Washington Traffic Safety Commission
Creative Brief: Remind public about the new laws involving distracted driving and vulnerable road users. Designed as YouTube pre-roll.
Strategy: Rather than a talking head video, we choose to take a walk about town with our host.
Outcomes: We’ve produced several videos for the WTSC. Our videos continue to outperform expectations.
Washington Traffic Safety Commission
Creative Brief: Create a video to remind viewers that not all crosswalks are marked.
Strategy: Show crosswalks from above to show that not all have painted lines. Blend with a catchy script. Designed as a paid YouTube ad.
Outcome: Beat expectations on YouTube. Success led to creating a vertical version for additional use on social media.
Allied Arts | Whatcom Cultural Arts Festival
Creative Brief: Share how the Cultural Festival supports cultural diversity and shared community through art.
Strategy: Bring together the diverse voices of the artists, musicians, vendors and other stakeholders who share why they choose to support the festival.
Outcome: Video not only promotes the festival but has had continued use in fundraising and outreach.
NW Straits
Creative Brief: Share tips to prevent lost crab pots which damage the environment.
Strategy: Use text and engaging animation to give a “crabs eye view” of hazards.
Outcome: Set record levels of engagement. Following the release, NWS hired additional crew to keep up with demand. Continues to play at Washington State ferry terminals and onboard the ferries.
Tulalip Tribes
Creative Brief: Share the history and cultural significance of the Point Elliot Treaty. Hosted by Allyea Hernandez, a leader in the Tulalip youth community.
Strategy: Collaborate with cultural leaders to craft a script. Include archival images, maps, and archival footage from EJ Visuals personal collection.
Outcome: Shared at Raising Hands event and at Hibulb Museum. Plays on loop in the lobby of Tulalip Hotel and Casino for all visitors to see.
David Syre | Gallery Syre
Creative Brief: Meet international artist David Syre and introduce his new watercolors show.
Strategy: Give viewers an inside look at David Syre’s newest work and his creative process. Filmed at his studio in Tucson, Arizona.
Outcome: Created as at film for Gallery Syre. Shared on website, social media, and other art exhibitions.
Hanging H Social Media
Creative Brief: Showcase the diverse capabilities of Hanging H on social media.
Strategy: Create short videos from footage taken at Hanging H projects. We have currently created over 50 videos for Hanging H social media.
Outcome: Shared on Facebook and Instagram as part of an ongoing social media campaign.
Paw Partner
Creative Brief: Show how Paw Partner, a premier pet software app, stands apart from the competition.
Strategy: While most apps in the pet industry are created by tech companies, Paw Partner founders Austin and Lindsay own a kennel and know the business. We share how their unique story led to the best pet software app in the industry.
Outcome: Paw Partner continues to grow and outperform expectations.
State Conservation Commission
Creative Brief: Provide an overview of conservation districts for new partners and new hires to the State Conservation Commission.
Strategy: Work with the SCC to develop a script. Use voice over, archival photos, and location footage to add visuals.
Outcome: This video is one of a 12-part series to educate stakeholders about the various programs offered by the State Conservation Commission.
Facsimile Photo Restoration
Creative Brief: Introduce Facsimile and show viewers the artistry and service that set them apart.
Strategy: Interview owner and lead restoration artist, Jenn, and share how her background in photography and her love of her work creates a unique and personal experience for her clients.
Outcome: Shows on website, with options for secondary delivery.
Bellingham Nightlife
Creative Brief: Create an attention grabbing “sizzle” video for the Bellingham Nightlife website.
Strategy: Aerial shots are a tried-and-true attention grabber, and we knew drone shots over Bellingham at night would create the “sizzle” we needed.
Outcome: Used on website as looping background.
Harvest Against Hunger
Creative Brief: Share how Harvest Against Hunger makes a difference in the community.
Strategy: Show the unique connection Harvest fosters between farms and food banks and how this work provides accessible and affordable healthy produce for those in need.
Outcome: Promotional media for Harvest Against Hunger. Produced for the “Raising Hands” event sponsored by the Tulip Tribes.
Pacific Marine and Estuarine Partnership
Creative Brief: Teach viewers how to navigate and use the main functions of PMEP’s online tools and datasets.
Strategy: Create a 7-part video series hosted by expert PMEP educator. This is the first video in the series and provides an overview of PMEP and the online tools.
Outcome: Tutorial being employed successfully to the unique users of PMEP tools.