City of Bellingham, Natural Resources
Creative Brief: Explain the importance of estuaries and why the City is working alongside partner organizations to protect our marine habitats.
Strategy: Interview diverse scientists who share an interest in protecting the estuaries.
Deliverables: Bellingham television and website.
Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra
Creative Brief: Show how the Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra helps young people grow through music.
Strategy: Highlight a classroom that has benefited from the work of SYSO. Blend images and interviews with youth orchestra performance.
Deliverables: Created for the Tulalip Tribes “Raising Hands” gathering and SYSO marketing and outreach.
Cascade Connection / Cascade Christian Home
Creative Brief: Show how Cascade Connections makes a difference in the lives of the people they serve.
Strategy: Tell the personal story of someone whose life has been changed thanks to Cascade Connections. This is one of three “personal story” videos made for this years fundraising.
Deliverables: Shown at the “Hamster Ball” Fundraising Event. This was our third year of creating videos for the event.
Paw Partner Mobile App
Creative Brief: Show kennels and pet care facilities how Paw Partner can help grow their business. Share the most important features of the app.
Strategy: Blend images of dogs and pet care workers to add life and visual interest. Use voice over and text to efficiently share information.
Deliverables: Sent to interested pet care facilities to generate clients.
Personal Project
Creative Brief: Blend music and dance from two very talent artists and friends.
Strategy: short dance film
Deliverables: YouTube
Cascadia Homes
Creative Brief: Introduce Angela Singh, owner, designer and general contractor of Cascadia Homes. Emphasize the unique blend of both design and the building skills.
Strategy: Mix owner interview with testimonials. Layer images of design, build, and finished homes.
Deliverables: Website and YouTube
Creative Brief: Show how Grillville Products help make the most of the BBQ experience.
Strategy: Show Grillville products in action with voice over and text to support the message. This is 1 of 5 videos made for the campaign.
Deliverables: Amazon Sales and Website
Personal Project
Creative Brief: Created for our local horror festival “Bleedingham” (won scariest film).
Warning: Has a couple of jump scares. No blood. Rated PG.
Deliverables: Theatrical showing and YouTube.
All American Marine
Creative Brief: Highlight the features of the PSE Saratoga and give potential clients a glimpse into AAM’s new, state-of-the-art, construction facility.
Strategy: Show the Saratoga in action using text to highlight unique features. Blend with images of construction.
Deliverables: Trade show loop, sales video, website.
Progressive Animal Welfare Society
Creative Brief: Share how the three main branches of PAWS work together to benefit people and animals
Strategy: Interview the staff at PAWS as well as testimonials from students in the educational program.
Deliverables: Created for the Tulalip Tribes “Raising Hands” gathering and PAWS outreach program.